Within the past few days, both Nikon and Canon have announced new “full-frame” - or “FX format” in Nikon speak - digital SLR cameras that are more affordable than any other comparable and currently manufactured model in the two manufacturers’ line-ups. So far we’ve only had a brief encounter with each new camera - namely, the Nikon D600 and theCanon EOS 6D -, so we cannot deliver any in-depth reviews just yet (much less declare which one is “better” than the other); but in order to help you get a clearer picture of how they compare to each other specifications-wise, we’ve compiled a handy little table summarising the key differences between the two models, based on information available to us at the time of writing.

Do note that the table highlights the key differences only - keep in mind that the two cameras have a lot more similarities, ranging from the ~24x36mm size of their sensors to their top shutter speed of 1/4000th second.
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