Review for the book Baramulla Bomber by Clark Prasad
- Publisher : Niyogi Books
- ISBN : 978-39-81523-97-1
- Year Of Publication : 2013
- No of Pages : 313
- Cover : Paper Back
- Language : English
- Author : Clark Prasad
- Type : Fiction
- Rating : 3.5/5
From the Back cover of the book :
Multiple intelligence agencies are tracking Mansur Haider, a god-fearing aspiring cricketer from Kashmir. His girlfriend, Aahana Yajurvedi, is trying to locate her missing mountaineering team, who vanished after a mysterious earthquake strikes Shaksgam Valley.
Investigating Mansur and the Shaksgam Valley incident is Swedish intelligence officer, Adolf Silfverskiold, whose only relationship to god consists of escorting his girlfriend to Church.
A dual China-Pakistan battle front scenario facing the Indian Home Minister, Agastya Rathore, whose ancestors carry a prehistoric secret linked to the stars. He is faced with the challenge of finding a lasting solution to the Kashmir crisis.
Which Biblical Weapon was Tested in Shaksgam Valley? Why is Mansur Haider Important? Is There a Solution to the Kashmir Crisis? Can Destiny be Controlled? Does a Cosmic Religion Exist?
A Request By The Author:
‘Reviewers are requested not to give away the details of the plot in blogs, social media sites or other media channels which may act as plot spoilers for others.’ The book also mentions that the news, events, organisations, reports mentioned is true (Only the names have been changed).
My Point Of View
Baramulla Bomber is a science fiction espionage thriller which has different subjects like Quantum Physics, the Vedas, Mythology, Religion, Politics, Technology and Cricket. A trilogy which looks into the origin of universe, Vedas and the destiny of human race. Even though having many plots and characters, it's a page turner book. The story revolves in many countries like India, Pakistan, China, USA and Norway. The story line of this book is very well researched. When their are new chapter the usage of maps, the locations can be easily classified by the reader. Also the vedic mantars and bible proverbs which brings a good interesting material to the readers. Baramulla Bomber is the first book- Eka among the trilogy of the series along with the other two Dvitiya – The Consultant and the third book or Tritiya (yet to be titled) are all concerned with a question – What is the power behind the creation of Universe and human origins?
I highly recommend this book Baramulla Bomber especially if your interest is on Vedas and Mantras.
Some of the catchy lines which I liked are:-
- If you wish for peace, prepare for war – PROLOGUE
- Why, you do not even know what will happen tomorrow. What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes. – Page no. 6
- Kyon Vyarth Chinta Karte Ho? Kis Se Vyarth Darte Ho? Kaun Tumhe Maar Sakta Hai? Aatma Na Paida Hotee Hai, Na Marti Hai. – Page no. 10
- Always compete with yourself and your own weaknesses! Magic will happen and you will emerge stronger. – Page no 30
- Amen and Ogham are related, but there is the “Aum” from Hinduism also. Some say “Amen” is derived from “Aum”. – Page no. 57
- Prepare for the worst and hope for the best. – Page no 110
- Fight your Destiny, Build Hope and Make it Happen. – Page no 213
About the Author:
Clark Prasad, alter ego of Suraj Prasad, could be called a mixed citizen. Born in a leap year (year of Rocky, All the President's Men, Omen, Hera Pheri and Kalicharan) in Lagos, Nigeria he lived most of his life in New Delhi and had his education in Lagos, Delhi, Mangalore and Kozhikode. His family background is from the town where George Orwell, author of 1984 (a dystopian fiction) was born, and where Mahatma Gandhi had re-ignited India's freedom movement - Motihari.
A pharmacist with a management degree who believes in conspiracy theories, Baramulla Bomber is his first book. His first education o he mysteries of the universe came via Carl Sagans Cosmos, and since then he never looked back on reading, watching and discussing about the universe. He grew up during the cold war days with BBC radio was one of his mysterious companions as a kid, when his father played the news regularly every day. World War II news and documentaries on CIA-KGB tussle kept him engaged that time.
As a kid he wanted to be an archaeologist or an astronaut, but fate had its own road and he got involved with Mr. Carbon aka Chemistry. Currently he is a health care management consultant, based out of Bangalore, Planet Earth
Thank you very much Nimi Vashi for providing this book for review, you are always eager to provide books to the bloggers. This book review is a part of "The Readers Cosmos Book Review Program". To get free books log on to thereaderscosmos.blogspot.com.
My blog: founttainofjoy.blogspot.in/
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