My review for the book Life Mantra By a Life Coach Preeti Subberwal

- ISBN : 978-93-83271-66-5
- Year Of Publication : October 2013
- Cover : Hard Cover
- Price : 385 INR
- Language : English
- Publisher : Power Publisher
- Author : Preeti Subberwal
- Type : Non-Fiction / Self Help
- Rating : 5/5
I always feel cheerful when I am getting Authors signed copy along with two sentence written for me. Thank you very much Preeti Subberwal, heartily appreciating your work.
My Point Of View
Life Mantra is an Indian version of The Secret. I cant resist to appreciate binding and quality of the book so, paper quality, colour combination, the pictures when starting any new rules/lessons, the graphic all the essential materials in one book. Their are thoughts/proverbs from well-known peoples of the world like Steve Jobs, Oprah Winfrey, Robin Sharma, Rhonda Byrne, Mother Teresa, Deepak Chopra etc, each and every thought provides insight knowledge to the reader.
In the book Life Mantra author has provided 10 life powerful lessons, but I think this are 10 fundamentals to transform your life. Their are many self-help books available in the market but Life Mantra is exceptionally best book, if anyone has purchased this book they will never regret.
The language of Life Mantra is very simple, short and conveys the reader very easily. One thing which I liked the most of the book is suggestion given by Preeti Subberwal like Focus on minute details of your daily life which has been mentioned in Lesson 2, some of I am sharing with you all i.e. (1) Noting is a Coincidence, Everything happens for a reason. (2) As you saw, so shall you reap (3) Watch your words, we are living Magnets.
Best Lesson which touched my heart is Lesson 5th Create Happiness the sheer joy of being alive. Honesty builds trust, what you give multiplies and receives you back, it could be Love, respect, courage, appreciation or vies-verse. One of the finest book on self-help I have ever read of Indian Author. Readers can use this book on daily basis, whenever you are depressed or doesn’t have any solution flip the pages read it randomly you will get your answer. As Preeti Subberwal is a certified life coach she has a very good exposure to this field. Preeti Subberwal has conveyed the whole idea in very simple, short and to the point. The author has provided very practical tips for fulfilling your life. In one word Excellent read. Hats off to this Book.
Although their are excellent proverbs and Thoughts but Some of which I liked most are:-
- Trusting your instincts is an early warning and guiding system that most of the time leads to positive outcomes.
- Climbing your personal and professional mountaintop boosts your self-esteem.
- To insure good health; eat lightly, breath deeply, live moderately, cultivate cheerfulness, and maintain an interest in life. – William Londen.
- Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned. – Gautam Buddha.
- Worry has never solved a problem for anyone nor will it do so in future.
- A person with a lot of inner conflicts has a tendency to be influenced by the opinion of others, may feel guilty about natural impulses, and may undergo sudden changes in his/her moods.
- However good or bad you feel about your relationship, the person you are with at this moment is the “right” person, because he or she is the mirror of who you are inside. – Deepak Chopra.
- What you consistently focus on in your life, you tend to attract.
- What makes some people more successful than others is their ability to have clarity about their vision, values and mission.
- When every thought and action is directed to your ultimate life purpose, you become unstoppable and assured of great success and happiness.
- Happy, vibrant and successful people thin and behave in certain ways in which miserable and unfulfilled people don’t.
- To receive good thing, you must be happy first, and give happiness because whatever you want to receive in life, you must give first.
About the Author:
Preeti Subberwal is a Certified Master Spirit Life Coach, Certified Life Coach, and a Licensed NLP Master Practitioner.She is passionate about delivering personal and professional development workshops, seminars and coaching programs that empower the participants to attain their next level of success, fulfilment and self-mastery.
She is also founder director of ‘Thoughtful Engagement’, a firm that facilitates quick and sustainable positive change and transformation in individuals and organisations through powerful, practical and innovative solutions.
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