Book Review: Middle class to Money class by Sairam and Srividhya

Book Review: Middle class to Money class by Sairam and Srividhya

*Publisher: Notionpress *ISBN: 978-1-946869-06-7 *Genre: Non-fiction (Finance) *Cover: Paperback *No of pages: 93 *Price: 199 *Rating: 4/5

My View:

I am connected to share market for long time, but never read any book like this Middle class to Money class (to be precise I have read books on financial market), it’s first one where many eye opening stories are mentioned, if any investor follow this simple rule mentioned in the book then he/she can be rich and wealthy, and also I am happy that I have read this book.

You have come across many such people who argue on share market and blame it, why they blame; because they buy any share on someone’s recommendation and make loss without knowing anything about company and his fundamental. So if you explain to that person about company and what work they are doing then they say I don’t know such things, so this book is for those who want to know basic of about share market. Here in this book both author has explained financial market in very simple way, where many factors being covered like mutual fund, ultra short term debt funds, equity etc.

Middle class to money class is written in such a way that any novice can understand about share market. Here sources and links are provided to find EPS, P/E ratio, Book Value of the company, dividend history etc; also how to calculate and compare with Piers Company is taught in simple way.

What I liked from the book is a Quote from Warren buffet and Peter Lynch which is good source of motivation for investors. I really appreciate the guideline provided in the book by author, when to enter the market and when to exit i.e. purchase and sale of any script. 

I highly recommend this book to middle class people and amateur investor in share market, to be rich and wealthy. Also one suggestion to the author, we need further in-depth explanation, links and good source from your next book.  

Some of the interesting lines from the book:
  • 1.      What Warren Buffett thinks about the yellow metal? “Gold gets dug out of the ground in Africa, or someplace. Then we melt it down, dig another hole, bury it again and pay people to stand around guarding it. It has no utility. Anyone watching from Mars would be scratching their head”
  • 2.      Other guys read Playboy. I read annual reports. – Warren Buffett
  • 3.      Be greedy when others are fearful and fearful when others are greedy. – Warren Buffett.


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