*Publisher: Jaico Publishing house *ISBN:
81-7224-845-8 *No of Pages: 241 *Genre: Parapsychology *Cover: Paperback
*Price: 195 INR *Rating: 5/5
My View:
When I picked this book, many friends told me that
this is a humbug issue, where a person can tell about past life, or through
regression one can see what life is after death, etc. But as a Hindu I would
like to know what is there on other side of death, so I kept reading this
wonderful parapsychology and came to a conclusion that its 100% real, our
scriptures and Vedas also tells the same thing.
Karma what
you will sow, you will reap. Importance of karma is given through the book.
Many facets of life after death are described in the book, new information
which I was unaware of is easily provided by the Dolores Cannon.
The writing
style of author is simple, easy transcript of person who is being regressed is
presented by the author. The book is the collection of conversation between
author and various other regressed people who gives information on other side
after death. The book is dividend in many chapters like the death experience,
different level of existence in the spirit world, guides and guardian angel, ghosts
and poltergeists, the birth experience etc.
One of the
interesting incidents mentioned in the book which I liked the most is a Temple
of Healing where soul is being healed by various colors of lights, where lights
coming from different types of stones or to be precise like diamonds, also the
Tapestry room were soul can find which type of life that soul has ever lived
and it also shows that every soul are connected with each other, its like
Interesting facts
while reading the book are: each soul have their guardian angel who helps
whenever needed, suicide is major wrong doing.
I don’t want
to reveal the entire book but I strongly recommend this wonderful book to know further
about your journey to this planet earth, the book will uplift your mood and many
time keeps you thinking.
What occurs at the point of death?
Where do we go afterwards?
Does our personality survive after death?
These are all eternal questions.
Dolores cannon has accumulated information about the
death experience and what lies beyond, through 16 years of hypnotic research
and past-life therapy. While reliving past-life experiences hundreds of
subjects reported the same memories when experiencing their death, the spirit
realm and their rebirth.
Experience the sessions as they originally occurred.
Recorded and dictated word for word, the subjects reveal enlightening wisdom
that is hidden in the subconscious of all humankind.
This book will explore:
The death experience, different levels of existence in
the spirit realm, guides and guardian angels, do heaven and hell really exist?
Ghosts and poltergeists, planning your present lifetime and karmic
relationships before your birth, perceptions of god and the devil, the
significance of “Bad” lifetimes, the various councils and their influence on
humankind and the universe, walk-ins, the birth experience.
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