The Peshwa War of the Deceivers by Ram
Sivasankaran Book Review
*Publisher: Westland Publications *ISBN: 9789387578654
*No of pages: 474 *Cover: Paperback *Genre: Fiction *Price: 599 INR *Rating:
My View:
Excellent, as expected; I have read the first part
i.e. The Peshwa The lion and the Stallion and now this one is also really
awesome, the flow is so perfect that it simply comes under un-put-down-able
book. The book starts with 5th Sep 1727, a battle ground surveyed
between Bajirao Peshwa and Malhar Holkar.
The story revolves between Bajirao Peshwa, Nizam of
Hyderabad, Amarsingh of Khalsa territory, Chatrapathi Shahu, Kashibai –
Bajirao’s wife and Rajkumari Mastani of Bhuendalkhand, also there are many more
characters in the story which are given proper importance by the author. The
planning plotting and the way of execution of events are described like a
screenplay, which gives visualization of watching a movie.
When I got the book I thought how will I completed
470+ pages but when I started, it smoothly flowed like a river and completed in
short period of time. The language and writing style of author is simple and
easy to understand, suspense, description of surroundings, skillfully showcased
the emotional behavior of each and every character; high twists and turns makes
the book a perfect read for a weekend.
What I liked the most is too the point and crispy
dialogues, historical researched and just like a first book this is also highly
Overall I highly recommend this book to those who want
to know about Indian historical event and those who have watched the movie
BajiraoMastani, will really love this book.
A must read.
“I received this beautiful book from writersmelon.com
in exchange for an honest and unbiased review”
P.S. The first book link: http://founttainofjoy.blogspot.com/2016/10/book-review-peshwa-by-ram-sivasankaran.html
From the back cover:
Seven years have passed since Peshwa Bajirao Bhat
annihilated the Nizam’s armies at Fort Mandu. The two forces have been engaged
in attacks and skirmishes ever since. Acting on the advice of his right-hand
man, the mysterious Anaamik Dabhade, the Peshwa now sets about laying a trap to
truly ensnare the Mughals, and break their might.
The Empire, of course, has methods of its own. And
Nizam Ul Mulk is itching for an opportunity to exact revenge of the formidable
Bajirao. With assassins, saboteurs and criminals infiltrating the Maratha
lands, the Mughal Empire scores as many victories in the night as the Peshwa
does during the day.
Meanwhile, in the far reaches of the country, set
ablaze by the never-ending conflict between these major powers, a Sikh warlord,
a Rajput king and a Bundela princess find themselves increasingly tangled up in
the endgame that will determine the very course of history. It is a battle of
wits and skill, and the greatest deceiver of them all will prevail.
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